FFragmentTypeParameters is missing a default initialiser for FFragmentTypeParameters::Flags

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 16, 2024

FFragmentTypeParameters misses a default initialiser for FFragmentTypeParameters::Flags. This can lead to Flags being left in an undefined state, which can ultimately cause non-determinism during th ...

MaterialTextureScale calculated incorrectly for materials with WorldPositionOffset

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Apr 16, 2024

When a Material uses WorldPositionOffset, the MaterialTextureScale is calculated incorrectly because FMaterialUtilities::ExportMaterialUVDensities() calls FMeshRenderer::RenderMaterialTexCoordScales ...

Wires to PCG nodes with translated properties are cut

UE - World Creation - Procedural Tools - PCG Graph - Apr 19, 2024

Some PCG nodes have translated properties, which will cause wires to be cut. This is why things PCG biome sample maps do not work correctly in CJK language settings. The workaround is to set the lan ...

Conditional crash when a DragAndDrop operation is done betweeen Data Layers.

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Data Layers - May 8, 2024

A crash occurs to the engine as when we when have unreal as a backgroud task, and we try to drag and drop a layer to another by selecting the layer visibility button. ...

Cached camera component on LevelSequencePlayer is null

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 13, 2024

Opening a Level inside the ReferenceViewer does not Prompt the Save window if the Level is dirty.

UE - Editor - Applied Usability - Apr 15, 2024

If you right click on a level node in the reference viewer and choose edit, it will bypass prompting you to save unsaved changes in your current level, silently discarding all unsaved work. ...

MRQ - Groom Issue with Stencil Layers

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Jan 31, 2023

There is a problem with rendering Grooms bound and attached to animated skeletal meshes when the mesh belongs to a stencil layer in both the Deferred Renderer or the Path Tracer. The groom does not ...

Water not rendering in Movie Render Queue

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Water - May 3, 2024

It appears that MRQ does not actually add the pass that updates the Water Info Texture in the WaterZone actor. If the Skylight is set to "SLS Captured Scene" and does not capture every frame, then t ...

GPU Crash in Niagara Fluids template when WorldSpaceSize has a component at 0

UE - Niagara - Apr 26, 2024

The NiagaraFluids plugin provides several Niagara System templates to use as a starting point for the user's own Systems. The templates in category "3D Gas", such as "Grid 3D Gas Explosion", include ...