Renaming an emitter's name in Timeline panel of Niagara editor causes an editor crash. This happens because FViewModelHierarchyOperation constructor is called with null InAnyModel ptr; FViewModelHi ...
Resizing the editor window or any floating panel causes the panel contents to jitter during drag. See attached images. The jittering one is from Main and the normal behavior was captured in UEFN. ...
The ComponentMaterialTrack recently got upgraded to be able to animate parameters on different types of materials. This meant using an FComponentMaterialInfo to describe which material was being ani ...
UInterchangeGenericLevelPipeline::ExecuteSceneNodePreImport is iterating all nodes for every actors it create. We need to cache the result. ...
This seems to occur when FTimeline::Stop is called on the client but not on the server, as this will set bPlaying to false locally on the client. Because the value for bPlaying doesn't change on the ...
When adding an entry to a TMap using UE's property editors, in most cases the new entry comes with a default-initialized key (if such key already exists, the insertion fails). The case of a UENUM de ...
workaround: open WBP_A and remove its namedslot content to avoid having two contents in the same namedslot. ...
The Editor will crash if Groom Hair Cards are viewed with the Light Complexity View Mode. ...
Copy and paste from one sequencer to another does not work as expected. Let say there is a certain folder structure like this;[Link Removed] Then you press Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C for copying and past ...