When you use MoveTo BT node, with a target set as Actor and your AIController is DetourCrowdAIController, the AI pawn will update its goal destination much less frequently. Instead of constantly fo ...
User is reporting a code bug where special characters are entered behind the POST string. ...
When packaging a product for Windows (64) with an 'Event Begin Play' node executing a UI sound to play, and changing the Effects Quality within the console, restarts the audio playback for that soun ...
When you create an array node within a blueprint and add a comment to it, it doesn't show up. This includes the 'add' or 'remove' nodes that are pulled from the original array node. This seems to o ...
Atmospheric Fog cannot be toggled to hidden in the Scene Capture 2D's detail settings. All other setting will toggle correctly. ...
SetGamePaused on EventDestroyed crashes the editor on compile. Reproduced in 4.7.3 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2496752) Crash Report: [Link Removed] Call Stack: UE4Editor_Engine! U ...
Metal is not taking the non-uniform buffer path for GPU skinning. ...
When using uncompressed Lightmaps in HTML5, the lighting is rendered incorrectly. Using (the default) compressed lightmaps, generates no error. Also reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2487422 (Enscr ...
collision does not correct update when an object that has limited collision is altered/rotated. ...
Possess() should only work on the server, and only be callable on the server. ...