UAnimSequenceBase::GetNumberOfFrames off by 1

OLD - Anim - Sep 10, 2019

Creating a montage from a default frame rate and rate scale sequence reports 1 less frame than the sequence. The difference is a result of UAnimSequence overriding UAnimSequenceBase::GetNumberOfFram ...

Materials with Subsurface Profile not affected by Opacity value

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 24, 2017

A material with Shading Model set to Subsurface Profile is no longer affected by Opacity value in 4.17, 4.18, and 4.19 (Main) but was previously working as intended in 4.16. This is a regression. ...

ContentExamples PostProcessing map demo 1.13 post process volume screen percentage is not low enough

Docs - Samples - Aug 19, 2016

The post process volume in ContentExamples for Screen Percentage is set to 90 which is too high to notice a difference. The documentation has it at 25 here: ...

Radial Impulse does not affect objects unless it can affect both center of mass and collision if center of mass is outside of collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 17, 2016

Firing a radial impulse does not affect an object whose center of mass is located outside of its' collision unless both the center and the collision are simultaneously affected by the same force. ...

depth calculation is not functioning properly on mobile ES 3.1 preview

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 21, 2023

In 5.1.1, the depth calculation is not functioning properly on mobile ES 3.1 preview, resulting in reflections occurring in areas where they should not. When checking with RenderDoc in ES 3.1 Previ ...

Point lights affect indirect lighting on RTGI much less than other types of lights

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Aug 4, 2020

Only point lights affect indirect lighting on RTGI much less than other types of lights.[Link Removed] Indirect lighting of baked lightmaps look much stronger than RTGI.[Link Removed] Apparently, ...

NvEnc API creation failed in 4.24.1 with M60 card on AWS EC2 instances.

PixelStreaming - Dec 24, 2019

i had an AWS EC2 g3.4xlarge instance(Nvidia M60 card).  I could run 4.22 packed PS application correctly. When switching to 4.24.1, I got the following error when trying to start the application wit ...

ObjectScale returns a Cascade Mesh particle's XYZ scale as 1.0

UE - Niagara - May 13, 2020

Sampling a Cascade Mesh Particle's scale always returns XYZ as 1.0 This is a regression from UE4/Release-4.24.  This does NOT affect Niagara Mesh particles.  I've attached a Cascade (left example ...

Lightmap Coordinate Index is not automatically set to 1 on import any longer with lightmap UV

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Sep 6, 2016

When importing a static mesh with a second UV channel setup for the lightmap the second UV is no longer being automatically assigned as the lightmap coordinate index. In 4.12 the second UV detected ...

Strange Behavior for LayeredBlendPerBone when Blend Pose 0 and 1 are in the same hierarchy

OLD - Anim - May 25, 2017

With Layered Blend Per Bone, if the bone for Blend Pose 1 is in the hierarchy below the bone for Blend Pose 0, then the Blend Weights have some odd behavior. Blend Pose 0 = root Blend Pose 1 = spin ...