Editing child property values is affecting parent property values

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jan 27, 2020

HZB Setup Mips taking considerable time in GPU Visualizer

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 19, 2016

HZB Setup Mips in the GPU Visualizer seems to be taking considerable ms in 4.12 and 4.13 compared to 4.11.2. This seems to mostly affect editor/PIE GPU Visualization but looks like it should when ...

Simulated ability tasks not being cleaned up in UActorChannel::ReplicationMap

UE - Networking - Nov 20, 2018

I've noticed the issue occurring in both 4.20.3 (CL 4369336) and 4.21.0 (CL 4541578). The user on AnswerHub has also noticed the issue in 4.20.2 (CL unknown) and claims the issue did not occur in 4. ...

Buffer Visualization Overview is affected by EV

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 5, 2020

EV -0.5 [Image Removed] EV 0.0 [Image Removed] ...

Failure packaging for android that supports both armv7 arm64 with GoogleVR plugin enabled

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 30, 2016

Unable to package a build for android (ATC) if the GoogleVR plugin is enabled and both arm64 and armv7 are supported. This does not reproduce if you turn off GoogleVR. This does not reproduce if yo ...

Using the Editor in Fullscreen mode on Linux causes it to freeze and occasionally lock up the computer

UE - Platform - Linux - May 29, 2019

Using the Editor in Fullscreen mode on Linux causes it to freeze and occasionally lock up the computer. This freeze causes the various symptoms described in the Results field. In 4.21.2 (CL-4753647) ...

RootMotion travel distance get affected by ForceAnimRate

OLD - Anim - Nov 24, 2016

A root motion controlled character would travel further than they should when both EnableUpdateRateOptimizations is on and a.URO.ForceAnimRate is set above 1. Changing "Root Motion from Montages On ...

Expanding and altering a macro affects other macros in use.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 6, 2017

Using the Expand node feature on a macro from a macro library alters the current functionality of other instances of the macros that are in use(even though the macros themselves have not changed). ...

4.21 PIE Issues in High DPI

Tools - Nov 26, 2018

Using a High DPI monitor with a multiple players PIE window results in the 2nd PIE window not saving its location when moved around. Using a monitor with a smaller DPI scale the 2nd window will save ...