Mobile Map loading times have increased from 4.12 to 4.13

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 4, 2016

The loading time from 4.12 to 4.13 on mobile devices seems to have increased quite a bit. My results: 4.12.5 Windows 7 - Launch On: Loading Level 2 - .51 Loading Level 3 - .74 Loading Level 1 - .73 ...

The process may not return to the root node after the Wait Task is completed.

UE - AI - BehaviorTree - Sep 14, 2021

If the Wait Task is completed for the first frame, it may not return to the root node even after Finish. This can be avoided by increasing the wait time of the Wait Task (see CaseOK.mp4). When this ...

Detour AI Controller Not Functioning Properly

UE - AI - Oct 30, 2015

Using AI Detour in 4.9.2 works as expected, however, when upgrading a project from 4.9.2 to a newer version, the AI pawns fail to properly navigate around each other when moving to their respective ...

Widget components and widgets in screen space are not the same color

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 27, 2016

Widget components appear to be affected by lighting. This causes differences in color between widget components and widgets that have been added to the viewport. ...

Blendspace Animation Lag for Morph Targets

OLD - Anim - Sep 11, 2015

Blendspace animations of morph targets play at a slightly but noticably different rate between the 4.8 and 4.9 version of the UE4. ...

Passing array from blueprint to C++ causes performance drop

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 8, 2015

Passing a blueprint array as an argument to a C++ function causes a spike in Frame rate, game and GPU. This spike is noticeable when using UnitGraph. Attached screenshots show difference in UnitGr ...

Implied Decal Blend Modes don't properly account for Material Attributes usage

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 28, 2021

I've attached a project with the necessary materials that demonstrate this issue. I would expect that just because a Set Material Attributes node is inside a material graph it wouldn't affect the de ...

Particles Do Not Obey Lighting Channels

UE - Niagara - Apr 17, 2018

Particle systems ignore lighting channels - no matter what channel a light is on (even if no channels are selected), it will affect lit particles. Changing lighting channels on the particle itself h ...

SplineMeshComponent's collision will start to distort the longer the Spline becomes

UE - Gameplay - Nov 30, 2016

SplineMeshComponent's collision will start to distort the longer the Spline becomes This is a regession. It was working in 4.13.2-3172292 User Description: When drawing out a long spline mesh ( r ...

Sub Surface Shading Model has Strange Blotch Color Artifacts when Used with a Ambient Cubemap

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 23, 2019

Sub surface shading model has strange blotch color artifacts when used with ambient cubemap. Since the subsurface profile shading model can't be used with ambient cubemap I wanted to use the regular ...