Cable Component Ignoring Custom Depth and Stencil Buffer

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 8, 2016

Cable components within Blueprints are not rendering out to the Custom Depth Stencil buffer. ...

In Range (float) and Clamp (float) have the same tool tip, it would appear that In Range (float) has the wrong description

In Range (float) and Clamp (float) have the same tool tip, it would appear that In Range (float) has the wrong description. They both appear to have the Clamp (float) tool tip ...

Splitting a pin on a struct with an array in it will cause an error (forcing the pin to have something plugged in)

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 8, 2016

When splitting the pin on a struct variable that has an array in it causes an error that requires the user to plug something into the array pin instead of using the default values given in the struc ...

Changing Preview Rendering Level hides transform widget

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 5, 2016

When you change the Preview Rendering Level to Android Preview and then close the project, reopen, and do this again it hides the transform widget. ...

Editor crashes while saving or closing after heightmap import

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Aug 5, 2016

Editor crashes while attempting to save or close project after importing a landscape from a heightmap. Frequency: 2/2 Crashreporter: [Link Removed] Regression (yes) issue (does not) occur in 4.1 ...

FMath::TruncToInt() may result in incorrect data being returned in instances when a Double is passed in containing a large integer value

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 4, 2016

The FMath::TruncToInt() function takes a float parameter, but some calls to this function pass in a double value. For most use cases, this will probably work fine. However, if the integer values are ...

Clearing SubUV Animation assigned texture Crashes Engine

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 4, 2016

Clearing the texture field in the SubUV Animation after creating it from a texture in the content browser will crash the engine. ...

Crash when changing the number of instances in a grouped sprite component at runtime

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Aug 4, 2016

A crash occurs when you remove a Sprite Instance within a Paper Grouped Sprite component of an Actor BP on Event Begin Play. I was able to reproduce this crash in the binary releases of 4.11.2 and ...

Particle Cutout feature doesn't work on mobile device(Android)

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 4, 2016

When you create a particle system using the particle cutout feature the particle will render. However, parts of the particle that were previously removed are now there. ...

Scrolling artifacts on mobile at low FPS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 3, 2016

Weird artifacts appear when scrolling through textures in a scroll box. This is more noticeable and happens more frequently at lower frame rates. View AnswerHub thread for examples of artifacting. ...