Direct Capsule Shadows with Point Lights also project shadow on opposite side and direction

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 14, 2016

When using a Direct Capsule Shadows on a skeletal mesh with a Stationary Point light, depending on the point lights placement, light source radius, and nearby surfaces will cast the shadow on the op ...

Nativized Packaging Fails When Delegates Have Same Output Parameters

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Dec 12, 2016

Attempting to package a project using Nativize Blueprint Assets that contains delegates that have the same output parameters (such as binding an event to the OnCanvasRenderTargetUpdate event as show ...

FBodyInstance SetCollisionEnabled not properly checking physics state.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Dec 12, 2016

FBodyInstance::SetCollisionEnabled uses an incomplete conditional to determine whether or not it's in a Simulating or Non-Simulating state. This can cause cases where RecreatePhysicsState doesn't pr ...

Inconsistent Prioritization of Navigation Modifiers

UE - AI - Dec 12, 2016

When working with Nav Modifiers in a level that contains objects that have a custom Nav Area class, the prioritization of the modifiers is not consistent. If you notice in the attached project, so ...

Exponential Height Fog renders incorrectly after Set World Origin Location

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 12, 2016

When having an Exponential Height Fog actor far away from origin, after doing Set World Origin Location, Exponential Height Fog's appearance changes. ...

Destructibles cannot reassign mesh in Level details panel if a Blueprint

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Dec 9, 2016

Blueprints with a Destructible Mesh component cannot have the mesh changed via the level details panel. It will not accept any new mesh via selection or dragged onto the slot. The Blueprint itself e ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Kismet!SBlueprintEditorSelectedDebugObjectWidget::GenerateDebugObjectNames() [sblueprinteditorselecteddebugobjectwidget.cpp:454]

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 9, 2016

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source C ...

Montage with multiple slots will only ever use root motion from the first slot

OLD - Anim - Dec 8, 2016

Montage with multiple slots will only ever use root motion from the first slot ...

Particle disappears if it is using PSA_Velocity and setting custom time dilation 0

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 7, 2016

A licensee reported some of their particles disappear when setting the actor's custom time dilation 0. This seems to happen when a particle is using PSA_Velocity as Screen Alignment. This repros in ...

Crash on iOS9 when using Apple's CFNetwork library

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 6, 2016

Many clients have hit a crash due to an Apple library using operator delete on a memory block that was not allocated with operator new. This happens with the following callstack on iOS9 in UE4.13 o ...