No Implementation of Constructor in FNetBitReader

UE - Networking - Mar 13, 2017

It seems that in CoreNet.h, there are two constructors declared. However, only the first constructor is defined in CoreNet.cpp. If you look in CoreNet.h, you'll notice that FNetBitReader( int64 In ...

Crash diffing an AnimBP with a node deleted from a State Machine Transition

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 10, 2017

Error message: Assertion failed: false [Link Removed] [Line: 1123] Looking for node K2Node_AnimGetter_327 but it cannot be found in provided panels Source Context: 1108 } 1109 111 ...

Blueprint unable to compile if including a macro that includes one of its functions

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Mar 9, 2017

Blueprints that include a macro that includes one of their own functions are unable to compile. The error message that is given is: Error Could not find a function named "MyFunction" in 'ActorBP_C'. ...

BlueprintNativeEvents are not overridden correctly with multiple levels of inheritance

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 9, 2017

When overriding a BlueprintNativeFunction in a child class, if the inheritance is multiple levels deep, the override does not work correctly. As shown in the reproduction steps, this the example to ...

FBlueprintCompileReinstancer::ReplaceInstancesOfClass_Inner() can fail to resolve reinstanced archetypes.

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Hot Reload - Mar 8, 2017

From UDN. This is a hotreload bug - even though it uses FBlueprintCompileReinstancer. ...

XB1: assert failure writing memreport from packaged build

UE - Platform - Console - Mar 6, 2017

In case of running a packaged build the file can't be written on the G drive. HandleMemReportDeferredCommand writes to a relative path by default, but such files should be written to the developer ...

Unable to pass TMap or TSet as a parameter for a UFUNCTION

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 2, 2017

Attempting to pass a TMap or TSet into a UFUNCTION as a parameter causes a compilation error. Removing the UFUNCTION declaration works. Error messages:2>D:\Unreal Projects\Main\MyProject14\Source\M ...

Crash Occurs on Exiting Standalone After Using DemoPlay

UE - Networking - Mar 2, 2017

Using Execute Console Command nodes to record and play back a demo is causing a crash in standalone. Using the console commands themselves does not seem to cause the same crash to occur. ...

Can't clear AnimBp reference from an old asset(4.10 or before) with a skeletalMeshComponent

OLD - Anim - Mar 2, 2017

When using an older asset(4.10 or before) with a skeletalMeshComponent in a newer engine version, a reference for the original AnimBP remains after changing the mesh component's Anim Class. ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Core!FWindowsWindow::Initialize() [windowswindow.cpp:199]

Tools - Mar 1, 2017

Error message: Assertion failed: 0 [Link Removed] [Line: 199] Window Creation Failed (1158) Source Context: 184 VirtualHeight = ClientHeight; 185 186 // We call reshape w ...