Localization Dashboard does not Localize Audio Content from Within Plugins

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Oct 12, 2021

The Localization Dashboard is not properly localizing Dialogue Wave assets that are located within plugins. This appears to be a problem with the UExportDialogueScriptCommandlet - namely, it appears ...

Templated enum GetValueAsString function returns incorrectly formatted string

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 19, 2020

For many years there has been a static function on UEnum called GetValueAsString which would convert an enum like EAttachmentRule::KeepWorld to the string "KeepWorld", if you passed in the explicit ...

Undo and ConstructionScript break the AttachChildren array

UE - Gameplay - Components - Nov 14, 2019

Undo fills AttachChildren array with null by the undo serializer. After that, a construction script tries to remove child components from parent component's AttachChildren but it can't find its poi ...

Hide Bone in constructor does not update world instances

UE - Anim - Runtime - Nov 4, 2019

Hiding bones during construction is not properly displayed by level instances placed at editor time. Note that setting 'Update animation in editor' on the mesh and re-running the constructor script ...

ApplyAnimationCurvesToComponent doesn't propagate everything to slaves

UE - Anim - Rigging - Aug 20, 2019

In USkeletalMeshComponent::ApplyAnimationCurvesToComponent, while InMaterialParameterCurves and InAnimationMorphCurves are independent of one another, if either of them is empty neither is passed on ...

Texture Object Parameter Being Read Even If It Is Not Used In a Material

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 17, 2019

Texture Object Parameter Being Read Even If It Is Not Used In a Material.  Working as expected in 4.21 CL# 4753647 Found in 4.22 CL# 7053642, 4.23 Preview 2 CL# 7321677, 4.24 CL# 7329126 This is ...

Procedural Foliage Volume: Simulate() function doesn't work in Blue Print

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - May 10, 2019

Procedural Foliage Volumes can be resimulated by clicking the Resimulate button. But they can't be resimulated from Blueprints, even if there is a Simulate() function that can be executed. Found in ...

Widgets added via the user created section do not update when changes are made to the child widgets

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 29, 2019

When updating a widget's settings, those changes will not be reflected in the defaults of any instances where that widget has been used. ...

Trimming an animation that uses root motion can cause the direction of the animation to appear off

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Apr 26, 2019

After trimming an animation that includes a rotation in the begining the translation for the root motion appears to be applied as though the rotation had still been applied. I have included the or ...

Integer Blueprint variables reset the Bitmask Enum setting when the Editor closes

UE - Gameplay - Feb 28, 2019

User created Bitmask flag Enumerators are not correctly stored and retrieved from Blueprint Integer variable settings. When the Editor is restarted the value of the Integer's Bitmask Enum is set to ...