Cannot select child anim BPs for use in linked anim layers

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 15, 2021

From UDN: [Link Removed] Unable to set a Child ABP with inherited interface to a Linked Animation Layer Instance Class. I have a ABP_Biped which is our main ABP. I have the locomotion (idle+straf ...

If enable Preview Slot of non-default slot in AnimMontage, AnimNotify of AnimationSequence does not run.

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 15, 2021

The AnimSingleNodeInstance used in the AnimMontage preview does not consider multiple Slots. The following is a correction code. void UAnimSingleNodeInstance::SetAnimationAsset(class UAnimationAsse ...

Motion Blur Bug on 1st frame of camera change with sequence

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 14, 2021

Renderdoc capture of the blurry frame is here - [Link Removed] It should have symbols attached to it but let me know if not and I can reupload (Jon Cain) It's coming from the motion blur pass but ... stub can overload IDE parsing limits

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jul 13, 2021

We should consider splitting this into separate per-module files that are merged together via imports. Any strong dependencies (eg, inheritance) need to import the type being inherited. ...

GAME option of GenerateProjectFiles.bat does NOT work properly

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Jul 13, 2021

if using -GAME option of GenerateProjectFiles.bat, it does not work correctly by the following codes.protected void AddProjectsForAllModules( List<FileReference> AllGames, Dictionary<FileReference, ...

OpenXR Remoting fails to attach actions to remoting session in 4.27

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 13, 2021

Regression from 4.26 where actions fail to bind when remoting in 4.27 Repro: using the Microsoft OpenXR Extensions plugin here: ...

Ray tracing in sequencer causing AO ghosting

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 12, 2021

Crash when capturing attribute spreadsheet of Niagara GPU Particle with raytracing enabled

UE - Niagara - Jul 8, 2021

Also, NiagaraDebugger crashes the moment I enable GPU Particle Readback. ...

Material Quality Level not working with Layers

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 6, 2021