
if using -GAME option of GenerateProjectFiles.bat, it does not work correctly by the following codes.

protected void AddProjectsForAllModules( List<FileReference> AllGames, Dictionary<FileReference, ProjectFile> ProgramProjects, List<ProjectFile> ModProjects, List<FileReference> AllModuleFiles, bool bGatherThirdPartySource )protected void AddProjectsForAllModules( List<FileReference> AllGames, Dictionary<FileReference, ProjectFile> ProgramProjects, List<ProjectFile> ModProjects, List<FileReference> AllModuleFiles, bool bGatherThirdPartySource ) 
   HashSet<ProjectFile> ProjectsWithPlugins = new HashSet<ProjectFile>(); 
   foreach( FileReference CurModuleFile in AllModuleFiles )

// check for engine, or platform extension engine folders
 if( !bIncludeEngineSource ) 
   if (CurModuleFile.IsUnderDirectory(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory)) 
      // We were asked to exclude engine modules from the generated projects      
      WantProjectFileForModule = false;

the codes was added by CL-12676637, but it should uses "continue;",not "break;"

Steps to Reproduce
  1. run "GenerateProjectFiles.bat EngineTest\EngineTest.uproject -Game
  2. Check EngineTest\EngineTest.sln

expect : EngineTest.sln containes cpp files of Engine Test project
result : it does not contain them.

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Fix Commit17803784
Release Commit17803784
CreatedJul 13, 2021
ResolvedOct 13, 2021
UpdatedDec 1, 2022
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