Requested in Previously discussed in ... Caused by inconsistent usage of ClampMin/ClampMax/UIMin/UIMax in Scene.h Ranges should also be modified based on ...
The melee gameplay ability GA_Melee uses a NetMulticast RPC which isn't allowed and causes a blueprint validation error: GA_Melee.uasset: Gameplay Abilities are not replicated to Simulated Proxies ...
The description of SpringArmComponent's "Use Camera Lag Substepping" option says "sub-step camera damping so that it handles fluctuating frame rates well". However, as noted and explained by a licen ...
A Nanite primitive casting a CSM shadow on another Nanite primitive with "Cast Shadows" disabled, will have it's shadow disappear completely when r.Shadow.CSMCaching = 1. ...
A note from the user, seems like they have a fix for this already I've changed the type of UGameplayDebuggerConfig::ActivationKey to FInputChord and with ony small changes to surrounding code it ...
An editable FComponentReference property on an actor instance can be used to reference another actor's component in the scene. In 4.27 and earlier versions these references were retained when the ot ...
There is currently no simple way to do a deprecated variable fixup on native variables that are set by a blueprint class. For a simple variable rename, CoreRedirects can be used and will work proper ...
FStreamableHandle (used as part of the FStreamableManager system) has a CancelHandle function that stops it from calling any completion callbacks related to that handle (it could cancel the load req ...
USplineComponent::GetSplinePointAt() returns an FSplinePoint with the ESplinePointType 'CurveCustomTangent' rather than the type from the setup.Expected: It should return the correct type. ...