Renaming assets set to Sequencer's Payload will resolve the reference after restarting the editor. This is probably due to the fact that FemaleSceneEventPayloadVariable::Value is a String type. This ...
Saving a package in the editor while there is a queued text mesh build will cause a fatal error because the build will execute during the save, and creating objects while saving is not allowed. This ...
When the default value of an Instanced variable defined in C++ is changed, it is not reflected in the default value of an Actor placed on a Level. In the reproduction procedure, when the default v ...
If you use both Category hierarchy and CallInEditor in UFUNCTION, it will result in an unintended sequence as shown below. [Image Removed] And, the following code can solve this issue void FDetai ...
The URL parser encodes the input path to a URL-encoded path even if it is local, so if the path contains unicode characters (such as Japanese Kanji ), the media file cannot be read. Following worka ...
When using a Transformation Widget in a Blueprint, the size of the widget seems to be some kind of product of size in screen space, object scale, and the transform widget scale that makes it much to ...
Game feature plugins load config files in a different way than normal plugins, which is confusing and can lead to broken behavior unless the developer knows about these issues ahead of time. The loa ...
User reported an issue of a mesh not being visible when a project has multi-level blueprint inheritance. After reproing, I believe the root cause is DefaultSceneRoot of the grandchild BP class not c ...
UBlueprint::IsDataValid() does not currently check component templates inherited from a parent Blueprint class asset's SimpleConstructionScript; only the current class hierarchy is considered. Given ...