
Mirror Data Table is added rows about Bone, Curve, Notify when creating. But SyncMarker is ignored. The following codes can fix this issue.




const FReferenceSkeleton& RefSkeleton = Skeleton->GetReferenceSkeleton();

// 3->4
TSet<FName> NamesByCategory[4]; 
ForeachRow<FMirrorTableRow>(TEXT("UMirrorDataTable::FindReplaceMirroredNames"), [&NamesByCategory] (const FName& Key, const FMirrorTableRow& Value) mutable
auto AddMirrorRow = [this, &bChangedTable, &NamesByCategory](const FName& Name, const FName& MirroredName, EMirrorRowType::Type RowType)
   // directly add rows to avoid using FDataTableEditorUtils, which is not appropriate at this point
   // equivalent to FDataTableEditorUtils::AddRow(DataTable, BoneName);

   // add TEXT(":SyncMarker")
   static const FString CategoryName[] = { TEXT(":Bone"), TEXT(":Notify"), TEXT(":Curve"), TEXT(":SyncMarker") };
   if (!NamesByCategory[RowType].Contains(Name))
for (const FName& Notify : Skeleton->AnimationNotifies)
   FName MirroredName = FindReplace(Notify);
   if (!MirroredName.IsNone() && Skeleton->AnimationNotifies.Contains(MirroredName))
      AddMirrorRow(Notify, MirroredName, EMirrorRowType::AnimationNotify);

// add
for (const FName& SyncMarker : Skeleton->GetExistingMarkerNames())
   FName MirroredName = FindReplace(SyncMarker);
   if (!MirroredName.IsNone() && Skeleton->GetExistingMarkerNames().Contains(MirroredName))
      AddMirrorRow(SyncMarker, MirroredName, EMirrorRowType::SyncMarker);

const FSmartNameMapping* CurveSmartNames = Skeleton->GetSmartNameContainer(USkeleton::AnimCurveMappingName);



Steps to Reproduce
  1. Add SyncMarkers (e.g. "sync_r" , "sync_r") to Animation Sequence of Skeleton A
  2. Create Mirror Data Table asset based on Skeleton A

expect : The Mirror Data Table has rows about SyncMarker
result : The Mirror Data Table does not have rows about SyncMarker

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ComponentUE - Anim - Runtime
Affects Versions5.05.1
Target Fix5.2
Fix Commit22879883
Main Commit22879883
CreatedOct 27, 2022
ResolvedNov 1, 2022
UpdatedNov 27, 2022
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