ISequencer::OnPlayEvent does NOT fire at the end of playback in Sequencer editor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 8, 2022

ISequencer :: OnStopEvent is executed when pause, but not when playing to the last frame and stopping automatically. This is because OnStopDelegate.Broadcast(); is only in FSequencer::Pause(). When ...

UMGs are rendered over the viewport's icons on UE5 editor

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 6, 2022

UMGs are rendered over the viewport's icons on UE5 and the icons cannot be visible and selected even if you detaches from the player controller.[Link Removed][Link Removed][Link Removed] I confirm ...

When another AnimMontage is playing while an AnimMontage is playing, AnimNotify be called twice.

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 1, 2022

When AnimNotify is set to AnimMontage, these Notify events may be output twice. It can see it if you let another Montage play while the first one is playing. If you stop the first Montage, it will a ...

Crash may occur if Actor is selected on the outliner and then discarded

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jul 1, 2022

Discarding Actor while it is selected on the outliner may cause a crash. This may be caused by operations from C++ not being listed in the UNDO list, which may refer to unreferenced objects during ...

ModularGameplay and other runtime plugins have wrong LoadingPhase

UE - Gameplay - Jun 30, 2022

Plugins that provide blueprint-accessible libraries generally need to be set the PreDefault LoadingPhase so they can be properly loaded before game-specific data that loads early in the Default load ...

Ensure occurs when RBAN simulated rigid body approaches UseComplexAsSimple mesh

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jun 30, 2022

When a collision enabled RBAN node attempts to collect surrounding meshes, if there is a mesh with UseComplexAsSimple, it will hit the Ensure when cloning a mesh on the task graph thread. Disabling ...

Runtime-generated components stored in the VisibleAnywhere array are not displayed in the detail panel

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jun 30, 2022

Runtime-generated components stored in ObjectPtr with VisibleAnywhere are displayed in the details panel, but not for arrays. Applying the following workaround, components can be visible even in ar ...

When 1 AnimSequence asset is used for multiple SeuqnecePlayer, the override by AnimGraphOverrides affects other than the specified SequencePlayer.

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Jun 30, 2022

If you use the same AnimSequence in multiple SequencePlayers in Base AnimBP and replace asset of one of SequencePlayers by AssetOverride in Child AnimBP, the result will be reflected in the other Se ...