SetDisableRetargeting does NOT work correctly for packaged project

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jan 4, 2023

For example in cutscenes, the users use FBoneContainer::SetDisableRetargeting to temporarily use a specific shared animation without retargeting. But the function does not work correctly. We can fi ...

Custom Primitive Data changes done in the details panel on a placed BP Static Mesh resets to 0 after modifiying it

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 16, 2022

Custom Primitive Data values don't stick when editing them in the detail panel on a placed BP actor containing a Static Mesh Component.  Duplicate of [Link Removed] ...

CachedMaxDrawDistance value are not updated by CullDistanceVolume in persistent Level

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Dec 16, 2022

in PIE, RerunConstructionScript() is executed and actor's CachedMaxDrawDistance is updated as expected. in packaged game, RerunConstructionScript() is not executed  so, CullDistanceVolume is not u ...

Rotation gizmo doesn't respect Absolute Location

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Dec 15, 2022

The editor gizmo appears to be erroneously changing the location of child components with absolute location when their rotation is adjusted. This is inconsistent with the behavior when changing rota ...

Montages played by GAS do not respect Blend Out Time

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Dec 15, 2022

Replicated Montages played via GAS are not blended out using the BlendOut time set in the Montage, and are instead blended out using the BlendIn time ...

Widget's shear render transform isn't reversed when using RTL text flow

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Dec 13, 2022

When a widget's flow preference is set to RTL, we adjust the render transform so that the horizontal transform is mirrored (see SWidget::GetRenderTransformWithRespectToFlowDirection). We should do t ...

UAT generates invalid package name for Gauntlet Automation Test

UE - Automation Test - Gauntlet - Dec 13, 2022

Make Enhanced Input More Extendable

UE - Gameplay - Input - Dec 8, 2022

Enhanced Input could use another pass to make sure classes, functions and data are properly exposed to both be safe and allow users to change/expand Enhanced Input. ...

AddTimedDisplay causes crash when changing level

UE - Gameplay - Dec 8, 2022

RemoveAfterSecondsLambda in AddTimedDisplay function may access released memory during level transitions. The following workaround works : void UViewportStatsSubsystem::AddTimedDisplay(FText Text, ...