Electra video playback fails if project or package is under multibyte characters path

Media Framework - Sep 16, 2022

The URL parser encodes the input path to a URL-encoded path even if it is local, so if the path contains unicode characters (such as Japanese Kanji ), the media file cannot be read. Following worka ...

3D Transformation Widget Unusable at Very Large Scales

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Sep 13, 2022

When using a Transformation Widget in a Blueprint, the size of the widget seems to be some kind of product of size in screen space, object scale, and the transform widget scale that makes it much to ...

Game feature plugins load plugin config files incorrectly

UE - Gameplay - Sep 9, 2022

Game feature plugins load config files in a different way than normal plugins, which is confusing and can lead to broken behavior unless the developer knows about these issues ahead of time. The loa ...

BP multi-level inheritance does not correctly inherit 'Static' mobility

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 8, 2022

User reported an issue of a mesh not being visible when a project has multi-level blueprint inheritance. After reproing, I believe the root cause is DefaultSceneRoot of the grandchild BP class not c ...

Inherited Blueprint component template data is not being validated on save.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 8, 2022

UBlueprint::IsDataValid() does not currently check component templates inherited from a parent Blueprint class asset's SimpleConstructionScript; only the current class hierarchy is considered. Given ...

Enable external linkage for the SFindInBlueprints API.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Sep 6, 2022

External requests to enable external linkage for SFindInBlueprints APIs, for which visibility is currently limited to the Editor/Kismet module. ...

Crash in UE::Anim::Attributes::InterpolateAttributes when enabling URO on B_Hero_ShooterMannequin in LyraStarterGame

UE - Anim - Runtime - Sep 2, 2022

From a UDN user: [Crash] Update Rate optimization enabled on b_hero_shootermannequin in LyraStartergame crashes Hello,I haven't dug in to it yet, but with the Lyra Starter project if you enable ...

New Viewport Resolution setting increases every time a new PIE window is launched

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Sep 2, 2022

When closing a PIE viewport, we write the size back to the New Viewport Resolution setting in case the window was resized during play. However, we do not account for the window border, and write bac ...

KismetFunctionLibrary: Equals and NotEquals (SoftObjectReference) not accessible in BP Editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Sep 2, 2022

In blueprint graphs, the action list for soft object references of a Object subclass is incorrect. "Equal" spawns an incompatible node, while the expected "Equal (SoftObjectReference)" is missing. " ...

Blueprint added component get reordered when editing properties on them

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Sep 1, 2022

It's hard to say if this actually a UX issue specifically tied to component editing, or a broader issue with UX. Either way, we should triage the problem and work from there. ...