Deprecated blueprint variable fixups may fail depending on loading order

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 7, 2024

There is currently no simple way to do a deprecated variable fixup on native variables that are set by a blueprint class. For a simple variable rename, CoreRedirects can be used and will work proper ...

StreamableManager completion callback can happen after being canceled in same frame

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 16, 2024

FStreamableHandle (used as part of the FStreamableManager system) has a CancelHandle function that stops it from calling any completion callbacks related to that handle (it could cancel the load req ...

FlushPressedKeys doesn't clear EventAccumulators, resulting in stale data

UE - Gameplay - Input - Jan 26, 2024

From the user:  The root of the problem appears to be that KeyState.EventAccumulator still has events stored in the structure for 'LeftAlt'. So, although UPlayerInput::FlushInput is called when the ...

Map actor reconstruction does not reattach external non-root components

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jan 17, 2024

For two map placed actors, if one actor B's non root component is attached to another actor A, the attachment is not retained when actor A reruns its construction script, such as when moving actor A ...

Pre-UE5 serialized FVariant FVector data corruption when deserialized in UE5

UE - Gameplay - LWC - Jan 15, 2024

FVariant is a struct that implements a union of data types, including FVector. When assigning an FVariant an FVector value in engine versions UE 4.27 or earlier, the FVariant will deserialize incorr ...

Setting GDelayTrimMemoryDuringMapLoadMode = 2 causes crash on same map reload

UE - Gameplay - Jan 8, 2024

GDelayTrimMemoryDuringMapLoadMode is a CVar that controls whether a garbage collection should take place during map change after unloading the previous map and before loading the new one. By default ...

In-editor hitch when deleting one actor in a world with many loaded actors

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 17, 2023

When editing a level with many actors (1000+), deleting an actor results in a noticeable hitch: the editor becomes unresponsive for seconds. This hitch becomes longer the more actors are loaded and ...

Renaming a Blueprint interface asset doesn't update the ImplementedInterfaces list in the Blueprint editor's Class Settings tab

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Nov 13, 2023

There is no UI refresh for the Implemented Interfaces list in the Blueprint editor UI after a Blueprint Interface asset is renamed in the Content Drawer. Consequently, the interface cannot be remove ...

Haptic Feedback doesn't work on DualSense devices (and never has)

UE - Gameplay - Input - Nov 7, 2023

The haptic feedback stuff is meant for VR devices, and has never worked with DualSense or any other console (afaik) that isn't a VR device. We technically could support this, but it would just be ...

Overriding a struct member field's default value on a BP-added component in a BP asset will no longer allow the user to edit that struct member on instances of that BP's component if the member is deprecated.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 19, 2023

Properties that are deprecated are (incorrectly) not currently being propagated to instances by the duplication logic that we use to instance BP-added components as part of Actor-based BP constructi ...