Renaming an asset set to Sequencer's Payload causes the reference to be removed after restarting the editor.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 29, 2022

Renaming assets set to Sequencer's Payload will resolve the reference after restarting the editor. This is probably due to the fact that FemaleSceneEventPayloadVariable::Value is a String type. This ...

Reliable Multicast RPC may be called before BeginPlay for character on client

UE - Networking - Sep 28, 2022

Related to [Link Removed], where calling a multicast RPC in BeginPlay results in the character being spawned on the client with the incorrect role/initial property data. One thing to note: this does ...

Invalid Subsurface Scattering Color when using Per Pixel Shading Model and non-default material layers

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 27, 2022

It appears as though when adding material layers to a material instance that uses the FromExpression shading model, the subsurface color ends up white. If you add a DebugFloat3Values and output it t ...

Take recorder doesn't recording looping montage notify states correctly

UE - Anim - Runtime - Sep 26, 2022

Anim notifies in montages aren't recorded correctly. This seems to be because FAnimationRecorder::RecordNotifies doesnt handle it correctly. Reported by UDN. ...

Converting from possessable to spawnable with override instance data can cause the actor to shift

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 23, 2022

Actors when converted to spawnables are given a transform track, and the default position of doesn't seem to be saved to the template for blueprint actors. Compare the above behavior to a static mes ...

[AI] Using a Reference Value for scoring in an EQS test produces the opposite effect of its tooltip.

UE - AI - EQS - Sep 23, 2022

An EQS Query scores the tests using reference values opposite of how the comments and tooltips describe. It will score items closest to the referenced value lower than those further away, but the ex ...

[MetaSounds] - Input Parameter Settings revert to the default after a MetaSound becomes virtual

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Sep 23, 2022

On restarting from Virtualizing, any parameters set previously on a MetaSound are ignored and the MetaSound restarts with the default values. This does not behave this way with Sound Cues, in which ...

[AI] Navmesh does not generate correctly on a plane that has a slope of 45 degrees or more.

UE - AI - Navigation - Sep 23, 2022

Navmesh generation appears to have issues handling terrain and planes that are at 45 degree or steeper angles even if the agent max slope is set to allow for such movement. While the issue occurs at ...