From licensee: Hello! Our level streaming setup enables the bUseActorFolders on our levels. When moving the Actor into another folder via the Outline, the editor will crash on the next load Assert ...
Repro Rate: 5/5 Tested this a few times and the crash seems to come in at different intervals, some had the prestreaming almost finished, then would crash. Working on a video to show crash to add ...
The licensee has also provided an explanation as to why this issue occurs + guidance for a potential fix. Please see the UDN for more details. ...
When we reset the material to fbx we should take care of the LOD since we will change/reorder the material slot array. ...
AbilitySystemComponent crashes when RemoveActiveGameplayEffect is called during world teardown for an active gameplay effect that ticks periodically, by unsafe GetWorld()->GetTimerManager() access w ...
When spawning an actor, we don't seem to replicate the scale if it's set to (1,1,1), even if the root component's default scale is different to this. This results in the client using the default sca ...
Controller 1 is able to navigate the menu as normal, but if you hit the "Start" button on Controller 1, it'll flash the Add Player UI element but won't connect as Player 2, and the output log will s ...
Saving and reloading a Blueprint instance with a compilation error, a.k.a., "Bad Blueprint" will lead to a transform reset when the Blueprint is successfully recompiled. ...