While playing a MediaTrack in the sequencer, the editor will stop for a few seconds when the sequencerPlayer is paused.

UE - Media Framework - Oct 13, 2021

This is also the case when PauseAtEnd is enabled on the sequencer actor and a Pause is applied. After the pause occurs, the log will show the following  LogMediaUtils: Error: Blocking media playba ...

Input Mappings will expand collapsed categories when modified

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jul 29, 2021

[Submix][Recording] - Existing Sound Wave to Overwrite option has no effect

UE - Audio - Submixes - Jul 29, 2021

This is an old bug that looks like it never made its way into JIRA. Adding for documentation.  ...

[Quartz][Crash] - Subscribing to All Quantization Events and then playing a sound on all Quantization boundaries crashes the editor

UE - Audio - Quartz - Jun 3, 2021

Hit this when I made a blueprint and Subscribed to ALL quantization events instead of the one I was interested it and tried to use all of them as my Quantization Boundary. The alt title of this bug ...

[Sound Submix] - Dry Level of a Submix is calculated differently whether or not there is an effect in the chain

UE - Audio - Submixes - Jan 21, 2021

There is a discrepancy is how the output volume of a submix is calculated when the effect chain is and is not populated. When there is no effect on the submix, the Dry Level adds additional gain to ...

[Soundfield Submix][Crash] - Unreal Ambisonics Crashes on Packaged Game and in Standalone

UE - Audio - Submixes - Jan 11, 2021

Issue was reported by a user on the Unreal Engine forms. I tried to package the game with the other encoding options and this appears specific to using the Unreal Ambisonics option.  I have only co ...