If a player possesses a moving NPP-simulated pawn, there is some kind of logic problem where a reconciliation immediately is triggered, and resimulations keep streaming for a long time. This proble ...
If Surround 2D is set as the Non Spatialized Radius Mode, there is no fallback option if the user's output is not a surround format (eg stereo). There is also nothing communicated in the Tool Tip. ...
SetPrimaryAssetRules sets the "is overridden" variables (e.g. bOverrideApplyRecursively) based on a comparison with the global default rules:static FPrimaryAssetRules DefaultRules; ... ExplicitRu ...
ClassPaths are stored in FBlueprintTags::GeneratedClassPath, FBlueprintTags::ParentClassPath, FBlueprintTags::NativeParentClassPath, and are read by many locations in editor code. But these location ...
In UE 5.3, when the option "Always load last project on startup" is enabled and a new Editor launch attempts to automatically reopen the last closed project, the dialog "The following modules are mi ...
[Link Removed]This issue occurs only when I have a lot of RDLs (I tested 2500 and 1600). I tested with 6 RDLs and had no issuesI also noticed in the server log an error when a lot of RDLs are presen ...
In AbilitySystemComponent_Abilities.cpp, the check for the client being on a different section on line 3059 checks that the RepNextSectionID is not the current section. One would assume this is beca ...