Navmesh blocking representation for cylinders is wrongly offset when the mesh has IsDynamicObstacle=true

UE - AI - Navigation - Jul 16, 2024

In a mesh asset, setting Navigation>IsDynamicObstacle=true will make the Navigation / Cylinder Collision projection appear in a wrong position. As described in the case, the fix should reside in Na ...

Incorrect error icon on stationary lights in a sublevel when the sublevel is first added

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 26, 2024

When you add a level with stationary lights to another level as a sublevel they will show a first error icon on the lights. Once you close the project or refresh the level this icon is shown as nor ...

UAssetDefinition doesn't allow overriding actions from base classes

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jun 24, 2024

In the new implementation UAssetDefinition to define the actions for asset we found that it isn't possible to delete or hide actions from parent classes due to the ToolMenu system works with delegat ...

UDebugDrawService doesn't display text on Blueprint Editor viewport from UDebugComponent

UE - AI - Debugging - Jun 17, 2024

By creating a DebugComponent, the texts added to this component are not displayed in the viewport of the Blueprint editor. This is because the UCanvas reference that is being passed is that of the ...

Instanced object in an array property of an actor component is invalidated and marked for garbage collection on undo

UE - Gameplay - Jun 4, 2024

If an actor component contains a TArray of instanced objects, some of those object instances can get incorrectly invalidated and marked for garbage collection in certain situations, possibly resulti ...

WindowsVideoRecordingSystem can start late to record when a Record/Start action is executed.

Media Framework - May 30, 2024

The WindowsVideoRecordingSystem can start to record late when a StartAction is done. Not sure if it starts to record late, or the first seconds of the resulting video are ommited when the mp4 file i ...

Selected tool using ScriptableTool might get closed when selecting an exposed property.

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - May 21, 2024

When using a created tool of the ScriptableTool plugin, and setting an InstanceEditable variable, the tool might get close. For this to happen, we need to have a ToolPropertySet attached to the too ...

PCGComponent in PCGVolume is called "PCG Component", breaking t3d serialization

UE - World Creation - Procedural Tools - PCG Component - May 21, 2024

From PCGVolume.cpp: PCGComponent = ObjectInitializer.CreateDefaultSubobject<UPCGComponent>(this, TEXT("PCG Component")); The Component name with a space does not support a round trip through FSof ...

In BP/Python Editor Utilities, function SetEditorProperty() unexpectedly fails for Actor Reference Properties on External Actors.

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - May 19, 2024

As part of the Python and Editor Scripting Tools, it is possible to programmatically set variables in actor instances of the current level just like when using the Details Panel in the Level Editor. ...

[AI] Navmesh shows in editor but does not get loaded in PIE

UE - AI - Navigation - May 13, 2024

When using static or dynamic modifiers only navmesh, there are times that the navmesh will build and display correctly in editor, but it does not get properly loaded at runtime (PIE/SIE). The Recast ...