"Reference space" when exporting LevelSequences with "Override Instance Data"

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 15, 2024

When exporting a Cinematic Camera as FBX and importing it back, all transforms and Camera view are shifted. This happens when in Level Sequence Actor has the property "Transform Origin Actor" set to ...

Depth of field and Refraction issue

UE - Rendering Architecture - May 15, 2024

Refraction does not adjust the scene depth texture, leading to a mismatch between Scene Color samples and Scene Depth samples. ...

HiddenInGame issues with Nanite enabled meshes

UE - Graphics Features - Nanite - May 15, 2024

Nanite meshes marked Hidden in Game do not have selection outlines in the editor. ...

Cached camera component on LevelSequencePlayer is null

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 14, 2024

Guid reference warnings when using the Take Recorde

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Take Recorder - May 14, 2024

When we record a Take from a level actor, a warning about referencing the same Guid inside LazyObjectPtr.h appears. The functionality of the LevelSequence works as expeced, but when the initial tak ...

Resave commandlet broken when using BuildEnvironment = TargetBuildEnvironment.Unique;

UE - Foundation - Core - May 14, 2024

The explanation from the licensee seems pretty comprehensive. Text from the UDN: We've been trying to run fixupredirects via the resavepackages commandlet, but noticed that the OFPA assets were no ...

Cracks in Nanite Tesselated Landscape

UE - Graphics Features - Nanite - May 13, 2024

Landscape component edges can become disconnected when using Nanite Tessellation at the edges of weight-blended layers. ...

Cached camera component on LevelSequencePlayer is null

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 13, 2024

PackedLevelActors are not updated when changing some properties

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - May 13, 2024

Packed level actors may not be updated after changing certain properties. Workaround: reload the level containing the PLA. ...

Rect light artifacts from NaN pixels on surfaces that are coplanar with light position

UE - Graphics Features - May 10, 2024

Rect lights cause artifacts (nan pixels) on pixels of surfaces that are coplanar with light position.  In RectLight.ush, in RectIrradianceLambert, at line 106, c30 is -1, so rsqrt(0) causes a nan to ...