A licensee has hit an access violation issue due to a movie scene containing a reference to an invalid child object binding. It triggers in the following method: UMovieSceneFolder::PostLoad // Vali ...
The Niagara viewport will crash when rendering opaque sprites if Mobile Multi View and the mobile preview are enabled. Additive materials do no crash, and if the viewport is not set to lit it does ...
A dark square appears in the direction of a spotlight on hair when the spotlight has no shadow. [Image Removed] In UE 5.4 the dark square is visible when the spotlight has no shadow, and a light s ...
FSuggestProjectileVelocityParameters was introduced in 5.4 and has a FCollisionResponseParams member that's initialized as a mutable reference to FCollisionResponseParams::DefaultResponseParam. str ...
The Preview text display in the Font Editor does not apply the Sub-Font family settings. Only the Default Font Family and Fallback Font Family can be applied to the display. ...
When specifying a widget of a different size than the screen in FReply::LockMouseToWidget, the cursor is locked to a different position in native full screen mode. It appears that the window size n ...
The user also describes not being able to tell the difference between a force feedback value of 0.3 and 1,0 on iPhones Note: This is likely an issue somewhere in FIOSInputInterface::SetForceFeedb ...
UDN Description: We are having issues with the "Create Blocking Volume" tool on StaticMeshActors. When we create a convex blocking volume (any convex, rough or heavy), we often have volumes that ha ...
While setting up whole scene shadows, CasterOuterFrustum is used to cull shadow casters from PrimitiveOctree. CasterOuterFrustum doesn't extend far back enough, which means that if an octree node fi ...
If Nanite data becomes corrupt in the DDC, the Editor may crash in FStreamingManager::InstallReadyPages() when the Pending.State is FPendingPage::EState::DDC_Ready but the resulting SrcPtr is null b ...