FRHIMemoryPool will leak data when it is destroyed. "FRHIMemoryPool::Init()" will create "FRHIMemoryPool::DesiredAllocationPoolSize" new "FRHIPoolAllocationData" objects, stored in "FRHIMemoryPool: ...
When Vertex Animated Texture is used to animate a mesh with World Position Offset, often the Max World Position Offset Displacement Material setting must be increased or the Bounds Scale increased, ...
The Physics Asset Editor has a "mirror" feature that allows physics bodies and constraints to be mirrored from one side of a skeleton to the other. If this operation worked correctly, it could save ...
There is an issue when setting a Static Mesh inside a blueprint that it is referenced by another blueprint with more than one child actor. An ensure is triggered inside the engine, and there is a ...
There appears to be a bug relating to rendering multiple windows that can trigger under unknown circumstances. It has been reported on rectangle lights in the forums and on PostMotionBlur materials ...
Up vector is not configurable so Foot Placement does support variable gravity cases. ...
Building HLODs for a very large landscape with Virtual Textures enabled results in the built HLODs being very dark for the most part. Building the same large landscape's HLODs with Virtual Textures ...
User reports that they've been running into an intermittent crash in Pose Search during Cook. Pose Search attempts to index data outside the bounds of an array. Based on the logs, each asset seems t ...
Hi, I tried to use for a scriptable tool the watch property node for a struct. The objective for me was to offer to my user a view of a struct in the scriptable tool and have these modifications b ...
In material editor, if a quality switch node is used together with a static switch to control branch, material parameters in the 'true' branch will never show up in the Detail panel of material inst ...