POM material triggers Video Driver Crash

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 26, 2016

When a POM decal material is applied to a decal actor in the scene the video driver will crash. This worked prior to 4.11.0 release. Only when the material is assigned to a decal actor will the vide ...

Moving assets in the Editor fails to fixup references causing the project to generate errors

Tools - Mar 30, 2020

Moving assets in the Editor is very unreliable. References may or may not be fixed up. No direct error is presented or a warning about problems. Any moves of the gameinstance, string table or certai ...

Using Virtual Texture Streaming checkbox in texture editor can break materials

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 24, 2021

A texture can be toggled between virtual texture and regular texture using the Convert to virtual texture/regular texture tool in the texture asset context menu. This updates referencing materials t ...

Sequencer crashes when scrubbing characters with sub-anim instances and montage slots

OLD - Anim - Oct 2, 2019

I saw a following assertion. Assertion failed: (AdditivePoses.Num() > 0) || (NonAdditivePoses.Num() > 0) [Link Removed] [Line: 1381] This is my quick fix// code placeholder void FAnimInstance ...

HZB Setup Mips taking considerable time in GPU Visualizer

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 19, 2016

HZB Setup Mips in the GPU Visualizer seems to be taking considerable ms in 4.12 and 4.13 compared to 4.11.2. This seems to mostly affect editor/PIE GPU Visualization but looks like it should when ...

Physics simulation shows strange behavior with specific skeletal mesh configurations

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 3, 2017

PhAT is inconsistent on when it does and doesn't apply scale to Constraint positions. This leads to cases where the positions provided create constraints that may not work when the Preview Skeletal ...

A SkeletalMesh component will spawn in rotated when setting the skeletal mesh and simulating physics on Begin Play

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 28, 2016

A SkeletalMesh component will spawn in rotated when setting the skeletal mesh and simulating physics on Begin Play Adding a Delay between SetSkeletalMesh and SetSimulatePhysics will correct the iss ...

Startup Movies Fail to Play when Audio Devices are Disabled

Tools - Feb 1, 2016

If a user launches a project in Standalone mode and has a Startup movie while the audio devices on the computer are disabled, the movie will fail to play. As soon as you re-enable an audio device, ...

Assert when having too many VR devices

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 31, 2018

Internal team is encountering a crash when adding too many VR devices. Email thread titled "Re: Crash Logs" The bug is an internal limit of devices the code supports, which is 8. If a controller o ...

The engine crashes when adding a new brush at newly created level by a specific way.

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - Mesh Editing - Jun 17, 2019

issuesFBSPOps::csgAddOperation returns null if BuilderBrush has no valid polys.The creating level on content browser never calls "UEditorEngine::InitBuilderBrush(NewWorld);". But "New level" button o ...