CreateWidget node keeps reference to created widget on output pin

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 17, 2017

There was an issue in 4.16 (fixed in CL# 3437205) in which blueprint output pins would hold on to object references until the blueprint was destroyed. It appears that an additional fix may need to b ...

[Feature Request] Niagara Ribbon Render needs V direction Tessellation option

UE - Niagara - Aug 8, 2021

It has a common chunking visual artifacts that lot's of triangular Translucent overlap once Ribbon's width is big and twisted heavily facing to Camera [Image Removed] It can be fixed by adding mor ...

BC7 Format in Texture Asset Mip Maps are not correct

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 18, 2016

When enabling BC7 compression format for a texture in a project that has SM4 disabled will result in the last two Mip Levels being gray. This happens on any texture size. The number o mip levels may ...

Translucent Materials no longer reflect light when using Forward Lighting variable

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 7, 2016

Translucent materials are no longer showing light reflections in scene when using r.forwardlighting 1 with lights. This is a regression from functionality in 4.11.2. This no longer works with 4.12 ...

Component default data can be lost for a non-nativized Blueprint class that inherits the component from a nativized parent Blueprint class.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 5, 2018

This is a regression that was introduced by the fix for [Link Removed]. The fix makes an invalid assumption that instances of components whose archetypes are inherited by a non-nativized child Blue ...

Project launch options flicker between available and unauthorized/locked

Tools - Aug 20, 2018

Project launch options flicker between available and unauthorized/locked Unsure what causes this, but I have hit the issue twice. Another person has also seen this on their machine. I was able to ...

'Directions are not Compatible' error on ForEachLoopWithBreak if split struct pin is disconnected from Enum type

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 25, 2015

'Directions are not Compatible' error on ForEachLoopWithBreak if split struct pin is disconnected from Enum type. Note: If the pins are reconstructed and the resplit, the error is fixed. ...

Actor Component Replication Not Working on Dynamically Spawned Components in Blueprint

UE - Networking - Aug 7, 2018

Actor components that are spawned dynamically through Blueprint are not being properly replicated to the client.  Found in 4.20 CL# 4233996 and reproduced in 4.21 Main CL# 4258917 Unable to test i ...

Precomputed AO Mask is no longer working

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 23, 2015

Precomputed AO Mask is no longer working in 4.11 Preview 1. This is a Regression from 4.10.x where this was working as intended. I've attached a zip file with the quick test that can be dropped in ...

Shipping build crash when unplugging then replugging Oculus HMD

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 9, 2016

Game crashes in shipping build when un-pluging the Oculus HMD, then plugging it back in. Confirmed in 4.13.2 from the launcher, did not repro via same steps in 4.14 preview 3 ...