The AND node always calculates all inputs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 5, 2015

The AND node always calculates all inputs, even if the first input fails as False. Probably related to [Link Removed] (currently unresolved, but a Select node-specific fix is mentioned in the comme ...

Crash on play if a BP uses a ClearInstances node followed by an AddInstance node

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 21, 2017

Crash on play if a BP manipulates a InstancedStaticMeshComponent by using a ClearInstances node followed by an AddInstance node. This is a blocker for the licensee. This is a regression: Working ...

Object Scale Not Working with Instanced Static Mesh

UE - Graphics Features - May 19, 2016

Using Object Scale in your material with an Instanced Static Mesh does not change the color of the material if you scale the individual instances of the Instanced Static Mesh component. If you scal ...

Initializing custom Component on Actor in constructor causes odd hierarchy and details panel issues

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 19, 2019

When testing with a simple setup, as follows: MySceneComponent has a UProperty(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly) of a USphereComponent pointer, initiated in the Constructor AMyActor has a UProper ...

UMG widget callbacks do not set PIE context in editor

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 21, 2018

This is from a UDN post. Several gameplay functions, such as level streaming and SoftObjectPtr resolution, depend on the GPlayInEditorID being set when that code is executed in PIE in the editor. T ...

GPU Particle Collision causes shaking when set to bounce with low resilience.

UE - Niagara - Jul 27, 2016

A particle emitter with GPU sprites on certain settings will shake violently as they collide with the ground. This requires there to be a strong Const Acceleration module and Collision with low resi ...

Material Previews Reflection skybox are broken in 4.12

UE - Graphics Features - May 3, 2016

Materials are rendering now in the preview pane with artifacts caused by the change in the reflection skybox. This can clearly be seen in 4.12 and later by enabling the reflections view in the previ ...

Sound Track in Matinee Ignoring Track Location and Playing Audio at Beginning of Sound Wave/Cue

Tools - Sep 22, 2015

When scrubbing the Matinee handle with a Sound Track added, no matter the location of the handle, the sound wave associated will play from the beginning of the audio file. Tested in 4.8.3 - 2634408 ...

Tabbing out of exclusive fullscreen leaves the window & backbuffer in an incorrect state

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 24, 2020

With windows 10 there has come some new swap chains, which unfortunately messes some things with regards to fullscreen up. We've fixed a bunch in the renderer (which would downright cause crashes), ...

Possible data loss/corruption when loading levels in editor

UE - Gameplay - Jul 18, 2018

Reported behavior: Given Level_A which contains object_X, where object_X references Level_BDeleting object_X causes AssetRenameManger to check if we need to patch up other levelsLevel_B is load ...