CopyTask in BuildGraph never throws an exception if the copy fails

UE - Foundation - Horde - BuildGraph - Feb 28, 2023

CopyFile function in CommandUtils.cs assumes that an exception will be thrown if the number of retries is exceeded, but the loop condition prevents it from being thrown. Following fix works:publics ...

Material slot assignment incorrect after mesh reduction completely removes all triangles from a section

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Asset Build - Apr 28, 2022

When mesh reduction results in a section becoming empty, the material slots are incorrectly assigned. e.g. if section 0 gets removed due to it having no triangles after reduction, then its material ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UMaterialExpression::GetOutputType() [materialexpressions.cpp:859]

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Nov 21, 2017

This is an infrequent crash in the 4.18 release. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. Source Context 849 uint32 UMaterialExpression::GetOutputT ...

BokehDOFRecombine Incurs Cost Even While DOF Is Not Enabled

UE - Graphics Features - May 17, 2017

While separate translucency is enabled DOFRecombine will incur a cost even when not using DOF (Scale of 0 or blur size of 0). Maybe we can check to see if those values are == 0 (meaning DOF is effec ...

Duplicate slots being created in Anim Slot Manager

OLD - Anim - Dec 11, 2015

Duplicate slots are being created automatically under the Default Group in the AnimSlotManager. This is causing some problems because it replaces the originally created slot with the duplicate in t ...

OnParticleCollide Not Returning Velocity Values Properly

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 23, 2017

OnParticleCollide doesn't return Velocity on every collision. User description: "If you add a particle emitter, and add an Event Generator - Collision and Actor Collision Binding an event to tha ...

Poses Asset UI doesn't update correctly when updating from new source animation

OLD - Anim - Jul 11, 2016

If the user updates to a new Source Animation for a pose asset, while a pose was active in the viewport (weight set to 1.0), the pose will be set to 0.0 in the pose list even though it's still activ ...

Editor Crashes When Attempting to Change Units in Project Settings

Tools - Aug 17, 2016

The editor crashes when attempting to make a change to the units located in Edit->Project Settings->Editor->Appearance. The crash occurs as soon as one of the dropdowns is clicked. This is a regr ...

Fixup Redirectors doesn't work in the editor

Tools - Apr 28, 2015

Fixup Redirectors doesn't work in the editor when showing redirectors using the filter and then choosing Fixup. The maps that reference the redirectors aren't being checked out and fixed. I'm just g ...

Starting position of physics simulated bp is different in Standalone Game

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 26, 2016

Starting position of physics simulated bp is different in Standalone Game User Description: Things work fine in the editor window, but when I run a standalone game then blueprints with physics bod ...