LIVE: Manually importing a single LOD created in Maya will rotate -90 degrees

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Nov 5, 2014

DESCRIPTION: When importing a mesh created with Maya then saving, closing, and reopening the editor, if you add a LOD via the right mouse menu or mesh editor will result in the LOD importing -90 rot ...

UDN: ChildBP - When replacing Static or SkelMesh Compoent inherited from the Parent Class, Socket list doesn't update

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 21, 2015

This is simple, but maybe hard to explain, so hear with me. I've attached a sample project and Repro Steps below in case it's not clear. Basically: 1. Make BP_Parent with an unassigned Mesh (Stati ...

VR Trackpad Axis Values 0

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 16, 2019

Trackpad Values return 0 Additionally: I also observed that the Go's trigger is registering as Trigger MotionController (R) Facebutton 1  and that previously there were MotionController (R) Thumb ...

Crash generating grass for landscape with XY offset map

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - May 8, 2015

Landscape grass map generation crashes if the landscape component in question uses an XY offset map. --------- Fatal error: [Link Removed] [Line: 646] Rendering thread exception: Fatal error: [Lin ...

When changing the size of detail panel for animation state in Animation Blueprint diff tool, GetSelectedProfileName will occur crash

OLD - Anim - Jun 24, 2020

When trying to display BlendProfile property in Animation Blueprint diff tool, it will occur crash, because EditableSkeleton is null in SBlendProfilePicker::GetSelectedProfileName(). So, a followin ...

When a BPActor containing HISMs is multiplied with a scale, LOD display control doesn't work correctly

UE - Rendering Architecture - Nov 29, 2023

Workaround 1: 1. Change HierarchicalInstancedStaticMesh.cpp in either of the following ways:void{{ FHierarchicalStaticMeshSceneProxy::GetDynamicMeshElements(const TArray<const FSceneView*>& Views, c ...

Physics not reacting correctly with physical material if velocity is not high enough

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 3, 2015

There are issues with the way Physics is being handled with physical materials. Having a physical material setup with a restitution of 1 and a high max depenetration value will result in no bounce. ...

Crash with Ensure when resizing layout

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jun 1, 2023

This is a regression as the issue does not occur in //UE5/Release-5.1.1 - CL 23901901 ...

AimOffset and Blenspace graphs causing crash for some users

OLD - Anim - Mar 30, 2015

Users are experiencing crashes when using the AimOffset and Blendspace graphs. I am unable to reproduce this locally, but judging by the Bugg in crash reporter, this is not an isolated incident. [ ...

Engine Crashes On Scene Close When An Actor Is Spawned With Templated FActorSpawnParameters

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 5, 2020

When an actor is spawned with Spawn Parameters that are templated the engine crashes when closing a scene. This wasn't happening when there wasn't a physics constraint on the spawned blueprint. Thi ...