Bitfield Bools in a struct and AnimBlueprint transitions not working together

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 12, 2016

USTRUCT(BlueprintType) struct FTestStruct { GENERATED_USTRUCT_BODY() UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite) uint32 ValueC : 1 ; UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite) uint32 ValueD : 1 ; }; A ...

Command r.DebugSafeZone.Mode 0 does not disable overlays

Tools - Feb 19, 2020

Running the console command r.DebugSafeZone.Mode 0 does not disable all overlays.  The issue occurs when setting custom values in DefaultEngine.ini as well.  Tested using the following settings:  ...

Widget With Spinbox Crashes When Destrcutor Is Called With Multithreaded Destruction Enabled

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Feb 28, 2020

When a widget with a spinbox is calls it's Destructor with "Multithreaded Destruction" enabled the engine crashes. I have tested in 4.23.1, 4.24.3, and 4.26 Main with "Multithreaded Destruction" dis ...

Stationary Lights are causing shadowing errors with Movable Objects

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 11, 2015

Stationary Lights are generating shadows with flickering black square and vanish shadows altogether on movable objects in the Preview of 4.7p6 and in the newest Release Branch of 4.7 (2439472). The ...

Packaging for Linux in a binary build should be disabled when not supported

UE - Platform - Linux - Jan 5, 2015

According to the user, if you install Linux toolchain, the binary build will allow you to package for it, and will not handle the failure gracefully ( ...

Cannot PIE; Data Table Still Being Edited

Tools - Dec 22, 2015

After making some changes to a Data Table, attempting to PIE fails and returns this error message: Cannot Play In Editor When Performing Edit MemberVar_1 operation. This occurs after closing and sav ...

SteamVRAssetManager color format mismatch

UE - Platform - XR - May 23, 2018

User requests that TSF_BGRA8 in SteamVRAssetManager.cpp be changed to TSF_RGBA8 to match OpenVR API SteamVRAssetManage ...

editor crashes when variable inside of a struct is set to a class type then the object is moved to a new folder

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 17, 2015

If a struct has a variable set to a class type, then the object of that class type is moved to a new folder in the editor, the struct will replace the class type with "class", which causes the edito ...

Crash Occurs when using the FreezeRendering Console Command in a Packaged Win64 Project

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 15, 2017

A crash occurs when entering the console command, 'Freezerendering' in a packaged Windows 64 bit project. The freezerendering command is used for debugging and performance purposes. An interesting ...

All console variables overridden in Movie Render Queue are set to 0 after the render queue runs

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 4, 2020

All console variables overridden in Movie Render Queue are set to 0 after the render queue runs. It's because all cached previous console variables are reset to 0 just before they are written back ...