Crash on Event Begin Play with UMG Widget and 2 or More Players

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 25, 2015

A player with UMG widget created on BeginPlay works fine when hitting play with only 1 player, but if you set the number of player > 1 it will crash. User believes this is somewhere related with t ...

Simulated physics bodies not working properly with BP Move Component To node

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 5, 2015

This issue may reference [Link Removed] which was recently fixed with 4.9 CL-2553675. When using the MoveComponentTo node physics do not work properly compared to other methods to move a component ...

Fix center of mass calculations with welding.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 25, 2016

Welding components uses precomputed weights for to determine center of mass for the actor. This can cause problems when users want to specify custom weights for certain components. ...

Niagara Vector Field CPU access Error prevents its use in projects

UE - Niagara - Jan 31, 2020

Niagara VectorFields do not function properly since "Fix CPU Access" changes are not persistently saved. After every Editor restart or reopening projects, the Niagara-VectorField driven Emitter and ...

Fix SourceLength to be tangent to spot light axis

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 4, 2015

Crash on loading level with Landscape by 2 PIE instances

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jun 16, 2022