x86 and x64 architectures fail to compile on Android with NDK14b+

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 3, 2018

x86 tries to compile as 64-BIT (get an error that sizeof(void *) != 4, and x86_64 fails to find wchar.h. ...

Foliage Lightmaps Are Incorrect When Using a Precomputed Lighting Scenario

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 2, 2018

Foliage lightmaps will not match properly to the lighting when using a lighting scenario. They will look normal if you select the Foliage tool but in PIE they will still be incorrect. Working as ex ...

"Found plugin in two locations" error when calling BuildPlugin on .uplugin named the same as one in \Engine\Plugins\...

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Oct 2, 2018

In 4.20, calling BuildPlugin on a plugin outside the \\Engine\Plugins\... folder whose .uplugin has the same filename as a plugin inside \\Engine\Plugins\... generates the following error: ERROR: F ...

Translucent Materials Receiving Incorrect Shadows in Forward Shading

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 2, 2018

Translucent Materials will receive incorrect shadows in forward shading. This is working as expected in 4.18 CL# 3832480 Found in 4.19 CL# 4033788, 4.20 CL# 4369336, 4.21 CL# 4408769, 4.22 CL# 4413 ...

TestEqual(TCHAR*, TCHAR*) function is testing pointer equality instead of values

UE - Automation Test - Oct 1, 2018

A licensee has reported that the TestEqual(TCHAR*, TCHAR*) function tests for pointer equality instead of comparing two values, which does not accomplish what the function is meant to do. Regressio ...

Static Mesh 's Light Map Coordinate Index set to 4 and execute a light build, the result will be incorrect.

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 1, 2018

Light Map Resolution is set to a small value (4 or 8), it will build normally. ...

Cannot save level after using BP_SunPosition

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - Sep 29, 2018

Web Browser UMG Widget Does Not Work in DX12

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 28, 2018

The Web Browser UMG Widget does not work in DX12. Found in 4.20 CL# 4369336 and 4.21 CL# 4404204 ...

Pawn Velocity dramatically different on server and client with Client Authoritative Position

UE - Gameplay - Sep 28, 2018

The server is not seeing the correct walking animations on each of the clients and after doing some digging, we found that the Pawn->GetVelocity() function is returning something drastically smaller ...

Crash when duplicating an asset before renaming it in the Content Browser

Tools - Sep 27, 2018

If you duplicate an asset in the Content Browser before the renaming box prompts input it will cause the Editor to crash. This was reported and tested in 4.20.3 (CL-4369336). This is reproducible ...