GPU System will kill existing particles if activate is called after it has be deactivated

UE - Niagara - Oct 22, 2020

Deactivating and then reactivating the same GPU system will cause existing particles to die. ...

Crash occurs in Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh of Mesh with MinLOD set to 1 or higher

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 22, 2020

I have attached a reproduction project with the above settings.[Link Removed] It crashes when packaged, launched and moved in-game. This issue seems to occur when there is an object in the Unbuilt ...

Sound Cue with Branch or Switch node has incorrect duration when played in a level sequence

UE - Audio - Oct 19, 2020

Sound cues with a branch or switch node will show in the sequence with the longest duration of any waves within the cue, despite which one will be played. During playback the section length will dif ...

Third Person Character Package imports with linker errors

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 19, 2020

I was able to encounter these errors on the latest binary for 4.25.3 when doing a repro for a salesforce ticket. Here is the customers description:When importing the C++ ThirdPersonCharacter package ...

Image appears upside down when using Export Render Target on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 16, 2020

Image appears to be upside down Bug was checked on production, engine version 4.25.3 and is NOT reproducible  Regression = yes ...

Crash on opening Sequence Director for Level Sequence

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 15, 2020

Within the project attached, the Sequence Director can not be opened for the Level Sequence "SkateReel Sequencer Crash." The user reports being able to open the Sequence Director prior to copying an ...

Crash when press F5 key any Test build project

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 14, 2020

When the F5 key is pressed during the lunch of the application created by Test configuration, the application will crash. This depends on the project. No Crash: Third Person project, ShooterGame ...

Failing to compile global shaders with OpenGL4 enabled

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Oct 13, 2020

OpenGL is supported but deprecated in 4.26 OpenGL4 is deprecated, you can comment this back in to add it to your targeted RHI list If you comment this back out you can package for Linux without an i ...

Crash enabling Stochastic Rect Light with Ray Tracing

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Oct 13, 2020

Enabling Stochastic Rect Lights with Ray Tracing causes the project to crash. Reported and tested in version 4.26.0(CL 14419252). Tested and not found in version 4.25.3(CL 13942748).  ...