The Physics Asset Editor has a "mirror" feature that allows physics bodies and constraints to be mirrored from one side of a skeleton to the other. If this operation worked correctly, it could save ...
StaticMeshActors placed in the world can override the default materials of a static mesh. If the static mesh is then reimported with less materials, the actors maintain references to unused material ...
The result of changing the Visibility of a widget placed as a child of RetainerBox is not reflected. Here we have disabled hittest for the Button widget, but hittest is incorrectly accepted. This is ...
Building HLODs for a very large landscape with Virtual Textures enabled results in the built HLODs being very dark for the most part. Building the same large landscape's HLODs with Virtual Textures ...
The licensee has identified a potential fix by changing if( Settings.bLerpUVs ) to if( Settings.bLerpUVs || UVIndex == 0 ) On line 389 of NaniteBuilder\Private\Cluster.cpp in UE 5.5 ...
A Skeletal Mesh simulating physics that hits a Geometry Collection Actor with OneWayInteraction true, OneWayInteractionLevel 1, and is using Damage Propagation (default) will be accelerated so fast ...
If there is a texture parameter within a specific material attribute stream in the base material and also within the base material layer, they must have the same parameter group otherwise the parame ...
When the Cinematic Prestreaming plugin is used to generate and cache Virtual Texture Feedback requests, they work when played back in Unreal Editor. A Licensee has reported that they do not improve ...
Hair Materials do not react to Light Functions in the same way as other Materials. There is a visual difference between a Directional Light at 1 lux with no Light Function and a Directional Light at ...
Using the MakeEditWidget specifier inside a UPROPERTY macro and creating a blueprint based on the class will show the translation gizmo inside the main editor viewport but the gizmo will not show up ...