
When importing static mesh from USD file then it has the wrong amount of UV channels. Selecting a UV channel shows an empty area in the viewport.


Regression: YES - not reproduced in 4.25.3 production

In order for this to work the models st primvars must be changes from float2 to texCoord2f. After that UV channels should import properly

Steps to Reproduce


  • Have a project with USD importer plugin enabled. Have the files sync from: //UE4/Main/Sandbox/QASourceAssets/Studio/USD/Import/


  1. Import into Level USD file with Basic options - [ [Link Removed] ]
    • [file] = //UE4/Main/Sandbox/QASourceAssets/Studio/USD/Import/Mesh/topo_wasp.usda
  2. Import into Level USD file
    • [file] = //UE4/Main/Sandbox/QASourceAssets/Studio/USD/Import/Mesh/update/topo_wasp.usda
    • Use same options
  3. Edit the asset SM_Wasp_wasp from the Content Browser
  4. In the top Toolbar of the Static Mesh editor, click on the UV dropdown
  5. Select UV channel 0

Actual result
UV is shown empty. There are only 1 UV channel.
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Expected result
UV match expected result (see attachments). There are 3 UV channels.
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By Design
CreatedOct 6, 2020
ResolvedOct 12, 2020
UpdatedOct 22, 2020
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