
Link to test project: [Link Removed]


In BP_MyPlayerController event graph, “T” is bound to a Blueprint function called “BPSetMyArrayElement0To5”. “BPSetMyArrayElement0To5” calls the C++ function “GetMyArrayReference” and, using the returned reference, calls the SetArrayElem node to set the value of element 0 in the referenced array to 5. This should set element 0 of MyArray to 5 and then print “5”, but it does not. Doing the same logic in C++ under the "V" key yields accurate results.



Steps to Reproduce
  1. In provided test project, play the game 
  2. Press T 
  3. Press V

Results: T and V print different results even though they call the same function. T through blueprint and V through a function created in C++.


Expected: Both to return 5.

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Gameplay
Affects Versions4.
CreatedOct 12, 2020
ResolvedMar 10, 2021
UpdatedMar 15, 2021
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