
Confirmed this issue in 4.25.4, 4.26, and 4.26.1 therefore it is not a regression.

Uploaded logs from 4.25.4 and 4.26.1, the backup logs are before the restart (step 5 in repro steps)

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create and open a blank BP project
  2. Drag a NavMeshBoundsVolume into the level
  3. Select the RecastNavMesh that is created
  4. Change any variables in the Generation Tab of the RecastNavMesh
  5. Save the level and close the editor
  6. Reopen the editor and level and look at the variables you changed

Result: Variables are reset, do not hold the users changes

Expected: Variables are saved and set to the users changes

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ComponentUE - AI - Navigation
Affects Versions4.
CreatedJan 21, 2021
UpdatedJun 5, 2024
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