
A texture can be toggled between virtual texture and regular texture using the Convert to virtual texture/regular texture tool in the texture asset context menu.
This updates referencing materials to ensure that they continue to work.

But a texture can also be toggled between virtual texture and regular texture using the Virtual Texture Streaming checkbox in the texture editor.
This doesn't correctly update referencing materials. That means the referencing materials no longer compile correctly.
This allows toggling without slow reference checks, but can be confusing for the user who has to know to go to the material and fix up.


  • The virtual texture state should be read only in the texture editor, or
  • The full reference fix up should be done when toggling, or
  • A dialog should be shown when toggling to allow the user to choose to fix references.
Steps to Reproduce

Open QAGame TM-StreamingVirtualTextures map
Open the Content/Maps/Tools/VirtualTexture/Cavewall.uasset
Toggle the Virtual Texture Streaming value in the details panel
Once it has been toggled the material on the floor becomes default material, even if the value is toggled back again.

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions4.26
Target Fix5.6
CreatedFeb 24, 2021
UpdatedDec 17, 2024
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