
Anim sequence re import factory is not overriding correctly the settings when we pass the override UFbxImportUI asset. It still use the original import data

Steps to Reproduce

Import the provided Character.fbx with no animation
Import the provided Character-anim.fbx with the following option value

bImportBoneTracks = false

Modify the provided python script to point on your imported skeleton, anim sequence and the Character-anim fbx file

Run the python script

Result: The options ImportBoneTracks is not set to true by the script and there is still no animation on the bones

Expected: The options ImportBoneTracks is set to true by the script and the bones are animated after the re-import


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Fix Commit15626720
Main Commit15626720
CreatedMar 5, 2021
ResolvedMar 5, 2021
UpdatedNov 29, 2022
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