
When creating a level with BSPs UV settings that are applied do not persist after building.

Regression: Yes
Working: CL-2386410
Broken: CL-2467323

Steps to Reproduce

1. Open UE4 editor from binary launcher
2. Create a new blank project with starter content
3. Drag a BSP into the viewport
4. In the surface properties of the details panel select "hollow"
5. In the content examples drag any material onto a surface of the BSP.
6. in the scale settings of the Surface properties in the details panel set U and V to 4.0
7. build all

Expected: lighting and geometry will build at the setting that have been selected.
Actual: UV settings are reset to a different value.

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ComponentUE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP
Affects Versions4.7.2
Target Fix4.7.4
Fix Commit2477538
CreatedMar 5, 2015
ResolvedMar 13, 2015
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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