
When the user minimizes or backgrounds an AR application, and re-opens it, new AR sessions will fail to start

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open 4.26.2 Binary
  2. Create a New Handheld AR Template set for Mobile and Targeted for Scalable 2D/3D
  3. Configure Android Support
  4. Package for ETC2
  5. Install the Package
  6. Accept Permissions
  7. Start AR (Camera feed Displays)
  8. Stop AR (Camera Feed Ends)
  9. Start AR (Camera feed Displays)
  10. Stop AR (Camera Feed Ends)
  11. Minimize the app
  12. Open the App
  13. Start AR (Camera feed Displays)
  14. Stop AR (Camera Feed Ends)
  15. Start AR

Observed Result
Camera feed fails to display, with subsequent attempts to start resulting in the message "Failed to Start AR"

Expected Result
User is able to start and stop AR successfully after minimizing or suspending an AR application

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ComponentUE - Platform - XR
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix5.3
CreatedMay 18, 2021
ResolvedMay 12, 2023
UpdatedMay 16, 2023
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