Audio Capture Component does not appear to be handling external device swaps appropriately, and has a delayed crash that will occur if an in-use mic is unplugged. At a glance, it appears to involve a potential memory leak.
vcruntime140.dll!memcpy() Line 415 [Inline Frame] UE4Editor-AudioCaptureCore.dll!FGenericPlatformMemory::Memcpy(void *) Line 532 [Inline Frame] UE4Editor-AudioCaptureCore.dll!FMemory::Memcpy(void *) Line 143 UE4Editor-AudioCaptureCore.dll!Audio::FAudioCaptureSynth::OpenDefaultStream::__l5::<lambda>(const float * AudioData, int NumFrames, int NumChannels, int SampleRate, double StreamTime, bool bOverFlow) Line 194 [Inline Frame] UE4Editor-AudioCaptureRtAudio.dll!UE4Function_Private::TFunctionRefBase<UE4Function_Private::TFunctionStorage<0>,void __cdecl(float const *,int,int,int,double,bool)>::operator()(const float * <Params_0>, int <Params_1>, int <Params_2>, int <Params_3>, double <Params_4>, bool <Params_5>) Line 676 UE4Editor-AudioCaptureRtAudio.dll!Audio::FAudioCaptureRtAudioStream::OnAudioCapture(void * InBuffer, unsigned int InBufferFrames, double StreamTime, bool bOverflow) Line 198 UE4Editor-AudioCaptureRtAudio.dll!OnAudioCaptureCallback(void * OutBuffer, void * InBuffer, unsigned int InBufferFrames, double StreamTime, unsigned int AudioStreamStatus, void * InUserData) Line 18 UE4Editor-AudioCaptureRtAudio.dll!RtApiDs::callbackEvent() Line 6281 UE4Editor-AudioCaptureRtAudio.dll!callbackHandler(void * ptr) Line 6663
Request a info about UE-127172 bug tracker
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-117688 in the post.
2 |
Component | UE - Audio |
Affects Versions | 4.26.1 |
Target Fix | 4.27 |
Created | Jun 9, 2021 |
Resolved | Jun 23, 2021 |
Updated | Dec 1, 2022 |