
When adding the Start Matinee Camera Shake node to a blueprint and then playing the project, the editor crashes. When regression testing in 4.26 however, I noticed that compiling the Third Person Character failed with an error that said "This blueprint (self) is not a PlayerCameraManager, therefore 'Target' must have a connection." No such error appeared when compiling the blueprint in 4.27, so that may be the cause of the crash since the Start Matinee Camera Shake node doesn't have a valid Player Camera Manager object input into it.


Tested in //UE4/Release-4.26 @ CL 15973114 and this did not occur, so marking as a Regression.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a Third Person template project
  2. Open the Third Person Character BP
  3. Add an Event Begin Play node to the Event Graph
  4. Connect a Start Matinee Camera Shake node to the Event Begin Play node
  5. Compile the blueprint
  6. Press Play


The editor crashes


The editor does not crash when adding a Start Matinee Camera Shake node

UnrealEditor-GameplayCameras!UMatineeCameraShake::StartMatineeCameraShake(APlayerCameraManager *,TSubclassOf<UMatineeCameraShake>,float,ECameraShakePlaySpace,FRotator) [MatineeCameraShake.cpp:502]
UnrealEditor-GameplayCameras!UMatineeCameraShake::execStartMatineeCameraShake(UObject *,FFrame &,void * const) [MatineeCameraShake.gen.cpp:556]
UnrealEditor-CoreUObject!UObject::execCallMathFunction(UObject *,FFrame &,void * const) [ScriptCore.cpp:956]
UnrealEditor-CoreUObject!UObject::execLetObj(UObject *,FFrame &,void * const) [ScriptCore.cpp:2717]
UnrealEditor-CoreUObject!ProcessLocalScriptFunction(UObject *,FFrame &,void * const) [ScriptCore.cpp:1093]
UnrealEditor-CoreUObject!void ProcessScriptFunction<void (__cdecl*) [ScriptCore.cpp:924]
UnrealEditor-CoreUObject!ProcessLocalFunction(UObject *,UFunction *,FFrame &,void * const) [ScriptCore.cpp:1154]
UnrealEditor-CoreUObject!ProcessLocalScriptFunction(UObject *,FFrame &,void * const) [ScriptCore.cpp:1093]
UnrealEditor-CoreUObject!UObject::ProcessInternal(UObject *,FFrame &,void * const) [ScriptCore.cpp:1181]
UnrealEditor-CoreUObject!UFunction::Invoke(UObject *,FFrame &,void * const) [Class.cpp:5659]
UnrealEditor-CoreUObject!UObject::ProcessEvent(UFunction *,void *) [ScriptCore.cpp:2018]
UnrealEditor-Engine!AActor::ProcessEvent(UFunction *,void *) [Actor.cpp:946]
UnrealEditor-Engine!AActor::BeginPlay() [Actor.cpp:3762]
UnrealEditor-Engine!AActor::DispatchBeginPlay(bool) [Actor.cpp:3702]
UnrealEditor-Engine!AWorldSettings::NotifyBeginPlay() [WorldSettings.cpp:271]
UnrealEditor-Engine!AGameStateBase::HandleBeginPlay() [GameStateBase.cpp:205]
UnrealEditor-Engine!UWorld::BeginPlay() [World.cpp:4594]
UnrealEditor-Engine!UGameInstance::StartPlayInEditorGameInstance(ULocalPlayer *,FGameInstancePIEParameters const &) [GameInstance.cpp:465]
UnrealEditor-UnrealEd!7ffd957c0000  + a0d433
UnrealEditor-UnrealEd!7ffd957c0000  + a3142e
UnrealEditor-UnrealEd!7ffd957c0000  + a0e2db
UnrealEditor-UnrealEd!7ffd957c0000  + a4e30a
UnrealEditor-UnrealEd!7ffd957c0000  + a519c9
UnrealEditor-UnrealEd!7ffd957c0000  + a512e1
UnrealEditor-UnrealEd!7ffd957c0000  + 49e05f
UnrealEditor-UnrealEd!7ffd957c0000  + dbcc16
UnrealEditor!7ff7fb9f0000  + 8930
UnrealEditor!7ff7fb9f0000  + 20b2c
UnrealEditor!7ff7fb9f0000  + 20c0a
UnrealEditor!7ff7fb9f0000  + 3573d
UnrealEditor!7ff7fb9f0000  + 386ba
KERNEL32!7ffe1b280000  + 17c24
ntdll!7ffe1b620000  + 6d721

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ComponentUE - Anim - Sequencer
Affects Versions4.27
Target Fix4.27.1
Fix Commit16509678
CreatedSep 9, 2021
ResolvedSep 9, 2021
UpdatedJan 21, 2022
View Jira Issue