
Selecting the Browse button on a Wave Player asset does not load the location of the selected asset for previously saved MetaSounds. Changing the Wave Asset to another Sound Wave and then selecting the Browse button will work. This is a Regression as it does not occur in Early Access.

Steps to Reproduce

1) Launch AudioQA
2) In the Content Browser, navigate to Content > Levels >Manual > AQ_MetaSounds > Level Assets
3) Open MS_Test_PlayStereoWave
4) On the Wave Player node, next to the Wave Asset, click on the Magnifying Glass icon
5) Observe the Content Browser

Expected Result:
 Content Browser opens to the location of the Sound Wave asset

Actual Result:
 Nothing happens

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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Audio - MetaSounds
Affects Versions5.05.1
Target Fix5.1
CreatedSep 21, 2021
ResolvedSep 19, 2022
UpdatedSep 19, 2022
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