
Native Gameplay Tag dev comments don't show up in tag tooltips. 

Steps to Reproduce
  • Add a native tag with a dev comment via UGameplayTagsManager::AddNativeGameplayTag "AddNativeGameplayTag(FName("ATag"), TEXT("ATag Dev Comment"))"
  • Open a GameplayTagWidget - ProjectSettings->GameplayTags
  • Hover over the native tag entry and note that the tooltip says "(Native)", but doesn't include the dev comment.
  • Tags added via ini do properly display the dev comment.

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-134816 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Gameplay
Affects Versions4.27
Target Fix5.5
CreatedNov 12, 2021
ResolvedMar 29, 2024
UpdatedApr 17, 2024
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