
A workaround might be to use the CDO of your plugin to reach out to the Editor settings and assign itself to the fields you want. This removes the users ability to choose between multiple options.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a new C++ project

2. Enable Movie Render Queue Plugin (and restart editor)

3. Create a new blank plugin

4. Create new C++ child class of "UMoviePipelineExecutorJob" and put it in the new plugin's runtime module

5. Add "MovieRenderPipelineCore" to the private dependencies in <NewPlugin>.Build.cs and add

""Plugins": [

{ "Name": "MovieRenderPipeline", "Enabled": true }


to the <NewPlugin>.uplugin file to remove any compile errors/warnings.

6. Start the editor, go to Project Files > Movie Render Pipeline, and assign the new "UMoviePipelineExecutorJob" created in step 3 to "Default Executor Job"

7. Close the editor and reopen the editor

8. Go back to Project Files > Movie Render Pipeline and you will see that "Default Executor Job" has lost its reference and is now "None"

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Anim - Sequencer
Affects Versions5.0
Target Fix5.1
Fix Commit19124135
Main Commit19155515
CreatedFeb 12, 2022
ResolvedFeb 24, 2022
UpdatedMar 2, 2022
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