
The input argument of DrawIndirect for Niagara meshes, which is made by ComputeShader, may be invalid.
This problem does not appear with -onethread command line option.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Build and open [Link Removed] with 4.27 launcher build or source build engine
  2. Once the project is open, 
    1. Move camera in editor viewport
    2. Click ThirdPersonCharacter in the level
    3. Start PIE and move character and camera


Niagara meshes do not render correctly. (Flickering or incorrectly overlapping)

see  [Link Removed] for detail



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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Niagara
Affects Versions4.27
Target Fix5.1
CreatedFeb 17, 2022
ResolvedFeb 24, 2022
UpdatedMar 11, 2022
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